1. The name of the promotion is “Berger Hardware Hustle.” Entrants must be 18 years of age at the time of entry.
  2. Employees, directors of BERGER PAINTS BARBADOS LTD. and ANSA COATINGS GRENADA LTD., other respective advertising agencies, members of the Betting and Gaming Commission as well as their immediate families (their parents, siblings, spouses and children) and participating hardware stores are not eligible to participate in the Promotion.
  3. Participants are allowed to enter as many times as they wish (copy of invoice uploaded to show 2 gallon or more purchase of Berger brands excluding Magicote) to increase their chances of winning.
  4. Non-cash discounts or prizes cannot be transferred, assigned to anyone or redeemed for cash.
  5. The winner must present a valid I.D. when redeeming his or her prize. The only valid I.D’s that will be accepted are National I.D. , Passport or Driver’s License.
  6. Each entrant may submit once per transaction, despite the volume purchased and providing that the volume is 2 gallons or more.
  7. All terms and conditions will be published on the website at www.bergerpaintscaribbean.com or Berger Caribbean on Facebook.

How to Enter

  1. Shoppers must purchase two gallons or more (excluding Magicote) from participating hardware stores or any Colour Shop locations or franchisees.
  2. Visit the website www.bergerpaintscaribbean.com or scan the QR code, and enter your contact information (name, email address and telephone number) along with a copy of the invoice/receipt clearly displaying any of the eligible Berger brands purchased from participating hardware stores and/or all Colour Shop locations.
  3. All entrants must retain their receipts (proof of purchase) for the shopping spree eligibility.
  4. Draw dates will be posted on Berger Caribbean on Facebook and Instagram for each territory; with the final entry for Barbados on July 31st and the final for the countries within the OECS on August 31st 11:59 PM EST. BERGER PAINTS is not responsible for late, incomplete, misdirected entries or printing errors. All entries received from ineligible entrants will be voided. All entries become the property of Berger Paints and Ansa Coatings Grenada.
  5. Only one invoice/receipt entry will be accepted despite the volume of paint purchased. Any duplications of an invoice/receipt will be voided.

The Prizes


Berger Paints Barbados Limited and ANSA Coatings Grenada Limited will execute the “Berger Hardware Hustle” Promotion in participating hardware stores island wide and in selected OECS territories and all Colour Shop locations. Entrants from each territory will have an opportunity to win a Hardware Store Shopping Spree valued at $1,000 XCD for OECS entrants and $1,000 BDS for Barbadian entrants.

There will be a total of 8 prize winners, broken down as follows:

  1. Potential winning entries will be generated using the campaigns database system from bergerpaintscaribbean.com. Entries will be randomly selected from the database containing the phone numbers, invoice/receipt number and dates of entry from which the text was submitted. The draw will be done by 3 p.m. on each of the draw dates listed.
  2. For each draw date, after the first draw, only entries entered between the day of the previous draw date at 12:00 a.m. and the day before that draw date at 11:59 p.m. will be eligible to win.
  3. One (1) entrant will be electronically selected at random on each draw date as per schedule provided from the database. An additional three (3) entries will then be selected to function as backup winners. The draws are as follows:
    1. July 5th
    2. July 12th
    3. July 19th
    4. July 26th
    5. August 2nd
    6. August 9th
    7. August 16th
    8. August 23rd
    9. August 30th
  4. Each winner will be notified by telephone within two working days from the date of the draw. Contact will be attempted by telephone two times a day for the two-day period. If the winner cannot be contacted by telephone within two days of the draw date, another winner will be selected from the backup winners (in the order the winners were selected). If no winner can be found, Berger Paints and Ansa Coatings Grenada reserves the right to retain possession of the prize.
  5. BERGER PAINTS, Ansa Coatings Grenada and or its representatives reserve the right, with the Authorisation of the Betting, Gaming Commission, to examine identification and may choose to accept or deny awarding the prize based on the information presented.
  6. The Winners will be required to provide proof of their age and sign an Affidavit of Eligibility/Prize Acceptance and Release within three days of the notification to be confirmed as the winner. A Passport, Driver’s Licence or National ID will be the accepted forms of identification. If the winner declines to fulfil these conditions to collect the prize, their eligibility will be voided, and another winner will be chosen from the pool of backup winners. If the selected winner is unable to meet any of these criteria by the time the validity of the prize expires, their eligibility will be voided.
  7. If a winner does not redeem the prize in the manner described above, BERGER PAINTS and Ansa Coatings Grenada reserves the right, with the Authorisation of the Betting and Gaming Commission, in its sole and absolute discretion, to disqualify such winner and to select a replacement winner from the remaining qualifying preselected backup entrants. BERGER PAINTS and Ansa Coatings Grenada shall not be responsible for failed attempts to redeem a prize and no responsibility is assumed by BERGER PAINTS and Ansa Coatings Grenada for any problem(s) associated with attempt(s) to redeem a prize(s). BERGER PAINTS and Ansa Coatings Grenada is not responsible for any liabilities arising directly or indirectly from the award or use of the prizes.
  8. In claiming your prize, you acknowledge that BERGER PAINTS and Ansa Coatings Grenada reserves the right to publicise your name, character, likeness, photograph, voice, and the fact that you are the winner, across any advertising medium and for promotional purposes and without financial remuneration.
  9. Privacy / Use of Personal Information: BERGER PAINTS and Ansa Coatings Grenada may gather Personal Information provided by entrants for the purposes of conducting and managing this contest and may, for this purpose, disclose such Personal Information to third parties, including but not limited to agents, contractors, service providers, prize suppliers and as may be required by regulatory authorities. Personal Information may include, but is not limited to; name (full name or first initial and last name), maiden name, email address, telephone number and physical address. This information is only collected when volunteered by an individual entering the contest. If the requested Personal Information is not provided, then an individual will not be able to participate in the contest. Each entrant gives permission to BERGER PAINTS and Ansa Coatings Grenada to send promotional messages to them.
  10. Claims: Under no circumstances will entrants be permitted to seek the award of damages, and hereby waives all rights to claim, punitive, incidental, and consequential damages or any other damages, and to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased. All entrants agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the BERGER PAINTS location governing their jurisdiction and agree to waive the right to a jury trial with respect to any claim or dispute with regards to any aspect of this promotion or official promotion rules.